Pastor Brent Hulett’s commitment has been to faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus through expository preaching that then leads to personal discipleship. He has been the senior pastor at three churches in the Philippines, Missouri and Washington. Most recently Hulett was the senior pastor of Grandview Church of the Nazarene in WA with two services and fourteen pastoral and administrative staff members.
He has had the privilege of supporting the Kansas City District by providing interim pastoral leadership in several churches in Missouri and Kansas.
Dr. Hulett is passionate about developing leaders. In fact, he has lived by a vision statement for the last twenty years that says that he is to “develop spiritually mature, and culturally appropriate leaders, in fifty countries of the world before I die.” He has done this through the contexts of education administration, missions and church leadership while working in forty-two countries.
He has led several missions agencies focused on academic missions or Bible translation. Currently he serves as the Global Director for Engagement and Equipping for the Church of the Nazarene. He and his team are responsible for recruiting, assessing, mobilizing and training all new missionaries for the denomination. He is also responsible for the denomination’s short-term missions project called “Work and Witness” which sends 500 teams and over 11,000 participants around the world every year.
He loves reading in the areas of church or American history, leadership and biblical studies. His hobbies include smoking meat of any kind, collecting percussion instruments from around the world, and driving his rebuilt 1966 International Scout 800 with its top off way too long into the cold months.
Brent has a Masters of Divinity in missiology and a Doctor of Ministry in pastoral theology, both from Nazarene Theological Seminary. His doctoral dissertation focused on developing multi-cultural leadership in the local church. He is known for his strong gifts in expositional preaching, leadership development and strategic planning.
Brent and his wife, Darla, have been friends since age 14 and have now been married for 32 years. Darla loves to minister through her gifts in singing, playing the piano and working with children.
Brent and Darla have two adult sons, Jordan and Andrew, who both love Jesus and serve in the US Army. Brent and Darla currently live in Olathe, Kansas.

Pastor Tom Richardson comes to us with over 35 years of ministry experience. His ministry and vision are based on building strong relationships in the church and community. He is passionate about helping others to develop close personal relationships with Christ, exhorting them to realize their God-given Call, and teaching them how to realize that Call in their lives.
Tom has served as a Lay Minister in the Methodist Church and was licensed and ordained in The Open Bible denomination and in The Foursquare denomination. He has moved his minister’s license to the Church of the Nazarene and currently holds a district license with the Kansas City District.
While at the Open Bible Church near Dayton, Ohio, he served as Assistant Pastor and Director of Christian Education. He also served as the principal of the church’s Christian School. He then served as Senior Pastor of a church in Winchester, Indiana, and served as the Assistant Principal of their Christian School. Most recently, Pastor Tom served as Senior Pastor of the First Foursquare Church in the inner city of Topeka.
Tom has always served as a bi-vocational minister. While pastoring, he worked as a Field Engineer and Technician. He is an Air Force veteran who served as an Aircraft Mechanic and Senior Controller over squadron maintenance.
Tom and his wife, Debby, have three biological children and now they serve as adoptive parents of four beautiful children. Tom loves to read, especially on the subjects of Church History, American History and World History. He still loves to keep up on Military Aircraft.
Tom has graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from The American Bible College and Seminary. Debby is a graduate of Butler University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Merchandising. She is also a graduate of American Bible College and Seminary with a Master’s Degree in Christian education.
Tom and his wife Debby have been married for 42 years. They were high school sweethearts and have known each other almost their whole lives. They have seven children together and five grandchildren.

Edwina has attended Fairlawn since 2007. In that time, she has been active in Children’s Ministry, led the Children’s choir (The Mini Crescendos) and she has also been active in adult choir (including Passion Play and Christmas According to Scrooge), as well as the Praise and Worship Team.
Edwina’s passion is leading children, teaching them that God loves them, Jesus wants to be their friend, and with God’s help, they can do anything! She also loves singing with the kids, leading choir, and praising God through song.
Edwina also has a passion for animal welfare and rescue. She currently has four dogs (Peggy, Precious, Princess and Sugar) and three cats (Bert, Harvey, and Boris) all of whom are rescues. She has always said her dream job would be rescuing dogs and singing with kids.
Edwina strives to let others see the love of Jesus through the way she lives. She says it is a work in progress, but she strives to always do her best.
Edwina has lived in Topeka most of her life, with a ten-year period in her childhood living in Texas. She led her first children’s choir at the age of 17. She has three grown daughters, and three grandchildren, Johanna, Owen and Oliver. Hobbies include reading, taking walks with her dog Peggy, meeting neighbors, and spending time with family.

Cindy was born and raised in Lawrence, KS and has been attending a Nazarene church for over 20 years. Her husband, Bill, and 2 sons Ryan and Austin joined Fairlawn in 2006. Cindy stays busy with homeschool for Austin, playing in a Lawrence community handbell choir, and being very active in the church including taking care of the babies in the nursery on Sunday mornings.
Interests: Spending time with extended family including the 2 family cats and playing handbells.