Story Keepers

As a children’s ministry in Topeka, our approach is driven by Story…a passion to take stories that teach and bring them to life for children. These stories can come from anywhere: The Bible, Church history, or even from stories from people now, living out their faith.



Storyboard Kid’s Small Groups: 9:15am

Storyboard Kid’s Worship: 10:30am

Your first visit

We love children and having the opportunity to help them learn and grow. But we also know that in order to have the opportunity to work with them, you as a parent need to be confident that they are in good hands.

Rest assured, your child’s safety is always top-of-mind for our staff. Two key pieces that they are in a safe and fun environment is as follows: a child check-in process and a vetted volunteer staff including background checks.

On your first visit, our helpful staff will help guide you through the check-in process. Please plan to arrive about 15 minutes before the service begins to accommodate the first-time check-in.

Fun for all ages!

Fairlawn has incredible nursery workers who genuinely care about creating a God-honoring environment for infants and toddlers on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Each Sunday you can expect to drop off your 3 month old– 2 year old child by turning in a diaper bag and signing-in your child. Please remember to leave contact information so we can text you if your child needs you.

The nursery has a group of volunteers who rotate on a schedule. As with all Story Keepers volunteers, each group consists of workers who have undergone background checks and who have your child’s well being at heart. The nursery strives to be a safe place for babies and a trusted place for parents.

Fairlawn Church is blessed with a great Early Childhood Program. This an extension from the Upper Elementary Program.

On Sunday mornings, we have a group of dedicated volunteers who are consistently working with your kids every week. There, they walk through a variety of different stories, games and centers, all teaching them the “main lesson” of the week.

We believe that children learn through being an active participant in lessons. Our kids learn through a variety of activities, such as songs, lessons, games and crafts. We teach that God is our Creator, He loves us and that Jesus wants to be our friend. Our lessons come from Bible stories and scripture, as well as core values like prayer, worship and loving each other.

On Sunday mornings, Community Groups start at 9:15am, and the kids will have a very child-centered lesson. Then during ‘big church’, the children are invited to sit with their families during the worship part of service, and then will be prayed over and dismissed by the pastor about half-way through the service. Then, the kids will have a group activity, craft time, and unique ways of learning just how much Jesus loves them, and how they can love others like Jesus.

Seasonal activities

Christmas Program

From October – December, the Elementary and Early Childhood practice Christmas songs in preparation for our Children’s Christmas Program.  All are welcome to join in the fun!

Vacation Bible School

During the summer we have our Vacation Bible School where kids play games, make grafts, sing songs and hear about how God shows his love to us through the Bible!  Come join the fun this summer!

Kid’s Ministry Calendar

February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Children's activities
  • Children's activities
  • Children's activities
  • Children's activities